What is Nomad
Nomad is a product from HashiCorp for workload orchestration that that helps in easily deploy and manage any legacy or containerized oapplication using a single, unified workflow.
Nomad can run a variety of workload which can be Docker, microservice, non-containerised, and batch applications.
Why Nomad
- Nomad is simple to setup it comes as a single binary which is self contained.
- Nomad can deploy containers and legacy application
- Nomad supports GPU workloads
- Nomad can easy integrate with other HashiCorp product
Where to find Nomad
Nomad can be downloaded from here: https://nomadproject.io/downloads
How to use Nomad
Starting the agent in Dev mode
sudo nomad agent -dev
To see the nodes register in Nomad cluster
sudo nomad node status
Stopping the agent
Ctrl + C (interrupts signal)